Leadership Trussville is a non-political, non-governmental, independent 501(c)3 nonprofit governed by a Board of Directors.
Mission Statement
The purpose of Leadership Trussville is to encourage and educate an annual class of qualified and highly motivated individuals who want to strengthen their leadership skills, deepen their sense of civic involvement, and be more involved with ideas and initiatives to better our community while learning first-hand about the issues and needs in Trussville.
Letter from Mayor Buddy Choat

I am proud to announce that we have created Leadership Trussville. The vision of finding and developing strong leaders for our growing city has been in the works for several years.
Our objective in creating Leadership Trussville is to identify leaders who love our city and have a desire to help us build a stronger and better community. The participants will engage with others to identify new ideas and initiatives that will make a difference for Trussville. Our people are our best resources and with Leadership Trussville we will discover those strengths that will continue to make Trussville a better city to live, work, play, and worship. Thank each of you for continuing to make Trussville the “Gateway to Happy Living”.
Buddy Choat, Mayor
City of Trussville